We are currently accepting flash fiction that is 1000 words or less.

All submissions must be double spaced and submitted as a Microsoft Word document or a PDF file.

Previously published works will not be accepted (even on personal blogs).

Not proofreading your work or following submission guidelines will prevent your work from being accepted.

Please only send us one story at a time and wait for a response from us before submitting a new story. Sending more than one document or sending a story before we’ve responded to your initial submission will automatically disqualify your submission.

If your story is not accepted, please wait a full month before submitting to us again. Submitting again before this time will automatically disqualify your submission.

All submission should include a print-ready third person bio in the cover letter.

We ask for first rights to publish and non-exclusive rights indefinitely so we can include it in our online archives. Following publication, all rights revert back to the author; we only ask that you credit Ghost Parachute as the place your work first appeared.

We allow simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

This is no monetary payment, but we passionately promote all the writers we publish.

All submissions must be made through our Submittable account. Submissions sent through email will not be accepted.

Submit a single flash fiction story that is 1000 words or less.

Ghost Parachute